How and Why to Create Rich Social Media Posts using Dynamics 365 Marketing?
Social media channels are currently the most powerful channels for advertising, publishing content, and capturing business opportunities. To grow your business and positioning your brand requires using applications with good features that help your business in achieving the goals. One such tool that stands out in the competition is Microsoft Dynamics 365 Marketing.

Before explaining how to create, publish, and schedule social media posts using this tool, let us explain why an impeccable social media presence & rich content is a must for your business.
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Importance of rich content for businesses
Here are some of the most important benefits of social media for enterprises:
1. With huge amounts of active social media users, sharing information about your services/products and also sharing details about your company helps your business in improving brand awareness.
2. Sharing content and promoting your products on any social media platform improves lead generation and increases sales because you promote to the people who are following your brand.
3. Posting attractive content improves user engagement with your brand and helps in building a long-lasting relationship.
4. Before reaching out to you or before actually sharing the concerns with you, customers believe in seeing your SM profile or writing SM posts by tagging your business nowadays.
To create user-friendly and engaging content it is vital to use good marketing tools to create and develop your posts for various social media platforms. With Dynamics 365 marketing, you can easily create rich content for Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram. Dynamics 365 marketing automation software developed by Microsoft helps your businesses to turn potential leads into business prospects.
What is Dynamics 365 Marketing?
Dynamics 365 is a reliable Marketing Automation Software developed by Microsoft that helps in connecting with your customers and also provides features for automating the marketing pipeline such as lead scoring, templates for email generation, and also helps your business in creating a customized customer journey for your prospective leads. Many companies across various domains are already using marketing automation software and are witnessing great results.
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With Dynamics 365 marketing software, your business can directly schedule and post messages on your organization’s social media platforms. Dynamics 365 marketing provides many other features along with creating, scheduling, and posting content on social media.
As all of us know that email marketing is the most effective form of marketing, dynamics 365 marketing helps you in creating attractive and effective messages for your marketing campaigns with their simple drag and drop easy-to-use content designer.
Using this software, your business can create and publish professional landing pages to capture the data of your website visitors. Each and every landing page comes integrated with a form that stores the data directly into a database.
Apart from these other features include creating customized multi-channel campaigns targeting a specific segment of the audience and also design customized customer journeys. Another exciting feature of this software is that your business can plan and promote all the marketing activities such as webinars, live events & interviews once all the details are dropped in the pipeline.
Why is Dynamics 365 important for your business?
As a marketer, it is important to project your brand, find out the best ways to tap the market, create content and post it on social media and also check for its engagement. Dynamics 365 marketing has all these features which give information about these processes. By using Dynamics 365, you can:
1. Save costs and project implementation time
2. Get a clear understanding of how your brand is working on social media channels
3. View all social media interactions
4. Improve the performance by analyzing the metrics
5. Obtain real-time data of your content from all the social media platforms
6. Create a consistent stream of content for all the social media handles of your organization.
How to Create Social Media Posts using Dynamics 365 Marketing?
Dynamics 35 Marketing helps you in scheduling and posting rich content on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. With an optimized social media calendar, marketers can quickly understand the glimpse of all the posts that are scheduled and also to which social media channels.
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Marketers of your organization can also distinguish from published posts to non-published ones by setting different color patterns for both.
Here are the detailed steps on how to create a plan and schedule social media content to post using dynamics 365 marketing:
1. Go to the marketing tab and click on marketing execution and on social posts.
2. Once the calendar opens, the published posts are usually in grey color. To schedule, a new post, click on the calendar (date, month, and year) and then double click on that particular date and choose a new item from the context menu.
3. Once a new social record is created, then enter the following details:
a. Name: Enter a name for the post that you have created.
b. Social Channel: Choose a social media channel on where you want to publish this content.
c. Social Configuration: Select the account from which the post has to be published. Admin of our organization can create accounts and then can select accounts while scheduling the post.
d. Message: Enter the text content that the post needs. You can use emojis in between the text and also use hashtags in your messages to gain a wider reach.
e. Media: Using the add image button, you can include an image in the post
f. Preview: You can preview the post that you have scheduled using the preview button.
4. Once you have designed the post, it is time to schedule the post that you have created.
5. Once your post is ready, click on the save button to save this post and then schedule it at the configured time.
6. If you want to post the content right away, then you can use publish now feature to post the message on your organization’s social media profiles.
7. Use the change schedule feature if you want to edit or set another date and time for that particular post.
The Final Word
With billions of people on social media, it is evident why all the marketers and businesses are using social media platforms to interact and engage with their audience.
To reach the target audience marketers need software to streamline the process of their customer journeys. Dynamics 35 marketing software has feature-rich tools with which you plan and schedule the content and also design effective landing pages to convert leads into customers.
With Dynamics 365 marketing you can save a lot of time by planning your content ahead and also helps you in strengthening relationships and thereby boosting conversions and increase sales. If you need any help in its implementation, integration, or related employee training, you may contact experts at Stridely Solutions.